Partnering in Prayer


Partner in prayer with us for AWA14 with these specific requests:

Pray for open hearts, honest fellowship and changed lives.

Pray for our worship times. Pray for Cory and his team as they lead worship in song and for their own witness and boldness amongst their peers.

Pray that our one desire would be for God’s love to pour through us like a river deep and wide.

Pray for the students who desperately need to follow Jesus, to be bold in making that decision to follow Christ. Pray for salvation as students hear the Gospel.

Pray for our communicators, that they would be clear and that we would grow in faith through the preaching and application of God’s Word.

Pray for TJ Fletcher and her team at the Dream Center. Pray for their continued daily work in Nashville, restoring hope to a hopeless community.

Pray for our travels, that we would make it there and back in timely manners safely. Pray for our opportunities on the road for building relationships.

Pray for our students as we serve, that we proclaim and display Jesus well.

Pray for Nashville, and that God would soften the hearts of those He leads us to.

Pray for our leaders: James & Mary Reardon, Cory Carr, Zack Cooper, Jenny & Kaileigh Magee, and Mary Lee Bergeron. Pray for clarity and leadership.

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